('We') XYMARA LTD, Evripidou 22, office 11, 3031, Limassol, Cyprus are committed to respecting and safeguarding your privacy.

This policy outlines the framework under which we collect, process, and store your personal data, provided by you to us. Your consent is required for us to process your data. You grant us this consent when you sign up to use our services, but you can revoke that consent whenever you change your mind. Please carefully read the following policy to comprehend our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will handle it.

What Data We Collect

We may collect and process the following data about you:

• Information that you provide by completing forms on our site (the 'Site'), including your contact data, personal data, mobile phone number, and other details you choose to provide when contacting us.
• Your location as per your device (computer, phone, tablet or other device) (if enabled).
• If you get in touch with us, we may retain a record of that correspondence.
• Website usage information is also gathered using cookies (see below under 'Cookies'). It's alright to change your mind about the data you permit us to retain. You can adjust your settings through your account at any time or contact However, we must inform you that opting out of certain data processing/storage may lead to a loss of functionality on the sites and a reduced user experience.

How Do We Utilize The Information Concerning You?

We employ the information we possess about you in the following ways:

• To inform you about announcements, news or updates related to our business that we believe may be interesting to you.
• To enhance the structure, layout, and usability of the Site.
• To personalize your recurring visits to the Site.
• To respond any questions, you may raise or respond to any comments you may address to us.
• To apprise you of changes to our service or the functionality of the Site.
• To conduct market analysis and research.
• To ensure compliance with our statutory and regulatory obligations.

Revelation Of Your Information

As we continue to advance our business, we may engage in the sale or purchase of assets. In such transactions, the information we have gathered about you will typically constitute one of the transferred business assets. Additionally, in the unlikely event that we or our assets are acquired, your information will similarly be one of the transferred assets. We may share your data with:

• Other companies within the same corporate group as us.
• A buyer or prospective buyer of our business.
• Our professional advisers, for example our lawyers, where necessary for them to advise us.
• Other individuals if we are obligated to disclose or share your information to comply with any legal obligation.

We may also share information about you with third parties whom we engage to assist us in certain areas; however, we will oversee and be accountable for the use of your information by these third parties. Additionally, we may furnish information about you to other users of the Site as reasonably required to provide the services you order from us.

European Right to "Be Forgotten"

If you reside in Europe and utilize our services, you possess the right to have all your data erased upon discontinuing the use of the services and closing your profile. More details about the duration we retain data are provided below. To request the erasure of all your data, please contact Support or


We may gather information about your computer, including your browser type, IP address and operating system, for system administration and to report aggregate information to our advertisers. This data reflects statistical patterns and actions of our users, devoid of individual identification. To achieve this, we may acquire information about your general internet usage through a cookie file stored on your computer's hard drive. Cookies contain data transferred to your computer and assist us in refining the Site and delivering a more personalized service. They enable us to:

• Estimate usage pattern and our audience size.
• Keep information in relation to your preferences, allowing us to customize the Site based on your individual interests.
• Accelerate your searches.
• Recognize you upon your return to the Site.

For additional information about cookies, please visit: You have the option to configure your browser not to accept cookies, as detailed on the aforementioned website. However, in some instances, certain features on our Site may not function properly if you opt to refuse cookies, unless your browser settings have been adjusted accordingly, our system will issue cookies upon your log-in to the Site.

Storage of Your Personal Data

The personal information we gather from you may be transferred to and stored outside the European Economic Area ('EEA'). It might also be processed by specialists situated outside the EEA working for us or for one of our suppliers. When you submit your personal data to us through the Site, you provide us with your consent to this transfer, storage, or processing. We will take all reasonably necessary steps to ensure that your data is treated securely and in line with this privacy policy.

If any section of our Site necessitates login access, you are accountable for keeping your login credentials secure. Regrettably, the internet's information transmission is not entirely secure. Despite our efforts to safeguard your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to the Site; any transmission is undertaken at your own risk. Upon receiving your information, we will employ procedures and security features to prevent unauthorized access.

We fully adhere to UK Data Protection legislation and other EU Data Protection Regulations. We commit to maintaining the confidentiality of all your personal information and will not sell or furnish your personal information to any third parties unless mandated by law.

Other Websites

Our Site may periodically include links to and from the websites of our affiliates, partner networks and advertisers. If you navigate to any of these websites, please be aware that they have their own privacy policies, and we disclaim any responsibility or liability for these policies. Kindly review these policies before providing any personal data to these websites.

Access to Information and Correction

You possess the right to request a copy of the information we possess about you. If you wish to obtain a copy of some or all of your personal information, please reach out to us.

We aim to ensure the accuracy and currency of your personal information. Feel free to contact us at any time to request corrections or removal of information you believe to be inaccurate.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy is subject to regular review, and any modifications will be promptly posted on this page. We urge you to routinely check our privacy policy to stay informed about the information we collect, its usage, and under what circumstances, if any, we may disclose it to other parties.


For any inquiries concerning this privacy policy, please get in touch with us at